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Scorecard for 2020


(1) Buy Bond ETFs (EMB/TLT) at open of market in 2020 on Jan 2nd

(2)  When S&P 500 corrects by 15 % from close of Dec 31, 2019 to 2746.16 we exit these positions

S&P 500 was 3230.78 on 12/31/2019. 15 % correction happened on Mar 11th, 2020 when it closed at 2,741.38

(2)  Sell EMB and TLT on Mar 11th, 2020

(3)  Buy VOO and VIB on Mar 12th, 2020

Sell VOO and VIG as soon as S&P 500 crawls back 15 % to 3230.78

(4)  Sell VOO and VIG on Jun 8th, 2020

Re-Buy Bond ETFs and wait for correction in S&P 500 back to 15 %

(5)  Buy EMB and TLT on Jun 9th, 2020

We are left with Bond ETFs at end of year

(6)  Sell EMB and TLT on market close on Dec 31, 2020

My strategy yielded only 9.26 % profit compared to S&P 500 index gain of 15.7 % from Jan 2nd to Dec 31st. I couldn't beat the index this time. My expectation was return of volatility which did not happen after COVD-19 started.


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