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Global Warming: A Modern Myth

‘Global Warming’ has been a buzzword in political circles in this decade. The western world continues to churn out ‘doomsday prophecies’ of the world coming to an end if nothing is done to contain the greenhouse gases in atmosphere. Most of the western media claims of a consensus among climate scientists that the earth is heating up due to increase in carbon emissions caused by human activity. According to them rising temperatures of our planet will lead to dramatic rise in sea levels, floods, wide spread droughts, intense heat waves, powerful storms, etc. The very concept of ‘warming earth’ is flawed since genuine data suggests that earth temperatures are falling rather than rising. Greenhouse gases are composed of water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone and CFCs. Water vapor has more than 70 % contribution to greenhouse gases. The world is currently focused on carbon dioxide with actually constitutes less than 10 % and out of that less than 2 % is due to man-made causes. The prediction of an impending global catastrophe of historic proportions is based on computer simulations assuming increases in carbon dioxide component of greenhouse gases. These models do not take into account water vapor which is the major constituent of greenhouse gases. There is no way to control the amount of water vapor in atmosphere. The other claim is of rising sea levels due to the earth warming up. Sea level rise is actually a natural phenomena occurring since thousands of years and some computer models linking carbon dioxide to rising sea levels are not reliable. Melting of ice caps is also not due to increasing carbon content in atmosphere according to research of many scientists all over the world. The reasons of warming of earth can be explained by variations of solar output and the very nature of earth and atmosphere. There were alternate cycles of warm and icy periods since the earth came into existence billions of years ago so temperature rise and fall is inevitable.

Much of the hype surrounding global warming is due to ignorance and denial. To quote an example, the island of Tuvalu which people claimed will disappear soon if nothing is done to counter the effects of global warming. The scare was due to the extraction of plenty of fresh water in the island by the thriving Japanese pineapple industry leading to depletion of water table and sea water eventually entered in. Presence of salty water inland caused panic and most of them cried ‘sea level rising’. Another incident is that of the glacier of Kilimanjaro, where the ice was melting, the reason behind that was annihilation of rain forests around the mountain which lead to reduction in overall moisture content and therefore lesser snow and ice. Melting of ice had nothing to do with increasing carbon emissions. Nature itself produces plenty of greenhouse gases than humans do. A massive volcano eruption for just couple of hours will add several millions of tons of sulphur dioxide equivalent to emission of three years worth of sulphur dioxide from all factories and automobiles in the world. Oceans and decaying plants eject 90 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide each on annual basis which is more than double the amount the human activity generates.

Warmer earth doesn’t necessarily cause treacherous mutations in climate. A study conducted in the Artic region by group of scientists assuming temperature increase of few degrees with higher carbon dioxide in air indicated that Artic ecological system’s productivity increased. Bolstered by historical facts, the study shows vegetation in land increased leading to higher population of reindeers and other animals. The plankton in the sea proliferated increasing the food resources for birds and fish which in turn are eaten by polar bears. The population of polar bears should increase if the temperatures in Artic region were to go up. The entire ecology will benefit should the temperatures increase.

Every year several billions of dollars are awarded to research organizations and academic institutions to carry out research on causes and effects of global warming. There will be panic among all these communities if everyone is to say climate is not changing due to human activity. Rich and powerful nations who had their share of growth and success by polluting the atmosphere for several decades are now forcing the developing nations to cede to aggressive targets of reduced carbon emissions. There are no moral or ethical grounds for the modern western world to dictate and define the scope of growth to developing world. Starvation, mal-nutrition, Islamic terrorism, denial of human rights, poverty and diseases are the most challenging issues in the current world not ‘climate change’. Millions of children and adults die in poor countries of easily curable diseases such as dysentery, stomach cramps, etc. Only technology, science and industrialization will help people by getting access to clean drinking water, food, shelter and proper sanitation facilities. Countries like India have immense potential to explore in terms of building more factories and power plants thus generating employment in the process. There are millions of Indians who deserve to live a better life and this is only possible if our government does not agree to any substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.


Dear Raj...I really need to study more to say anything on impact of CO2 emissions and how much the water vapor % plays a role in all this equation, right now I will just take it as a piece of information.

But I do sense that some things are true and many things are hyped...and the research done so far is not totally conclusive but the next few years or so we may have better numbers and better answers.

The positives I can take from the awareness is that we are working hard towards renewable sources of energy...this can ONLY be good because energy drives everything and if we have use wind power, solar power, waste would reduce our dependence on other sources.

Coming to industrialization in developing countries and the role of emission cuts, I think its good for the countries itself, considering how much problem pollution it clean water or good health...I do not know if you have visited some heavily industrialized cities in India but I am telling you, you can't barely breathe. The same scene is in China, even worse. Emission cut should not mean restricting industrial growth but use of better tools and new technology. In that regards I do expect developed world to help developing world in that transition...
Rajesh Chandra said…
Rahul ji - Thank you for your comments! Pollution is totally different subject and at all related to global warming. Not just industrial zones but you can't breath on roads in India. There are millions who die of smoke, unsafe drinking water and other kinds of 'rural' pollution. Technological development to improve efficiency of vehicles, factories, textile mills, etc should be encouraged and I am in favor of it. I am also for renewable energy. In Gujarat, Mr. Narendra Modi was pushing for reforms in textile industry to go for higher efficiency machinery which not only is more cleaner but also consumes lesser power but the union cartels and industry associations opposed these reforms owing to higher cost of replacing old paraphernalia. "Pollution" is not just limited to small companies but is also embroiled with politics, red tape and bureaucracy. Again, the crux of this article is that human activity does not cause 'global warming'.
Rajesh Valluri said…
I thank you for the opportunity to comment on your post. I find that your article is full of rather broad statements though all of them are real facts. I agree with your fundamental premise that there are large scale cycles involved with heating and cooling of Earth, the reasons for which are really beyond our control. However, we can not escape reality with that excuse, as there might very well be shorter-term effects that are caused due to human involvement.
I am no meteorological scientist, but I can say for sure that cities with higher amounts of air-pollution, caused either by industrial emissions, automobiles, or even just plain old backyard Barnbecues, have higher amounts of SMOG which usually ends up with rain water being more acidic than normal rain water. By that token, one car argue that there is definitely an effect on the eco-system because of these so called human activities. Melting of glaciers, and consequently coastal areas of various countries being put at risk of submerging under water, has been already a recorded event. There are several smaller islets that disappeared off the face of the earth as rising seawater swallowed them. May be, there aren't big enough to be well known is the reason for them being not well publicised.

I do admit that Islamic terrorism is by far the single-most important danger to humanity, and if there is anything that could wipe-out the human race, it has to be because of Islamic terrorism. WE should do everything in our powers to counter that to make the world a safer place. However, we can not ignore other dangers out there, especially the ones like that of global warming. I sense that some of your scepticism is stemming from the fact that the left media uses it as a platform to stand on, thereby reducing its credibility. But, there are several genuine scientists that believe that GW is a significant enough risk that we need to do something about it. And I tend to side with Science.
Rajesh Chandra said…
Rajesh Anna - Thanks for your inputs. I don't think backyard bbq causes acid rain. If you read my response in the earlier comment posted by me you will understand that rural pollution can be eliminated with using simple technology which can make lives better. I explained in the article that melting of glaciers is not due to human activity and that nature itself produces greenhouse gases. This is verified by scientific studies. Please re-read my article again, I talk of only 'science' not some fantasy. It is snowing in Texas these days! The oranges are freezing in Florida! I don't know what do the 'global warming' folks have to say about that. Earth temperatures are falling not rising. "Global Warming" is only about earth temperatures rising as you know.

There are not 'some' scientists who believe in global warming there are 'lots and lots' of them. Not just 'scientists' but 100s of governments of several nations believe in it claiming flawless research as the reason. I mention about funding for research in my article. If you stand by your last line that means you believe in the concept of global warming (due to human activity). As long as Govt. of India doesn't believe in global warming our nation will do fine. I do respect your views.
Anonymous said…
Hi Raj ... Am glad to read the other side of the coin on global warming myth. To put in my views in a nut shell. Hope you agree that global warming and temperature at the core of the earth are not related. The temperature of the earth's core impacts the position of the tectonic plates and the friction between those plates. And global warming relates to surface temperature of the earth. Hence the two should not be compared on the same scale.

Talking of oranges getting frozen in florida is an example of global warming. I believe you will agree that global warming causes extremes in temperature (increase or decrease) based on the phase of the equinox(i might not be using the most appropriate word here). Hence we are seeing extremes in temperature in winter and summer... These extremes in temperature is the cause for the melting of glaciers, etc... so i dont believe that it is all goofed up story but probably a lot hyped in terms of domestic emission of green house gases being one of the major concern ...
Rajesh Chandra said…

Thank you for your comments. First of all, I don't know why are you talking about earth's core temperature? I never mentioned about that in my article.

I suggest you to refer to the definition of 'global warming'. It solely means "INCREASE" in average temperature of earth's near surface. The whole hype is ultra-liberals claiming that earth's average temperature is rising. Falling temperature is opposite of global warming.

What do you mean by extreme temperature? Before there were factories, cars and refineries in this world, there was 'ice age' for centuries! Most of the earth was covered in ice and snow. This ice age even led to the end of dinosaurs. Was this due to 'global warming'? There were cold winters and hot summers even in 1700 AD!!

Freezing of oranges in Florida have nothing to do with 'global warming'. If there was a phenomena such as 'global warming' oranges should be melting not freezing!!
Rajesh Valluri said…

Please read above. If these reports are true, Mr.Pachauri and Vice-President Gore should relinquish their Nobels.

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