“Hillary left 18 million cracks in the highest, hardest glass ceiling in
In her role as Governor of Alaska, she brought extensive development with use of federal and state funds. She has a track record and reputation for tackling corruption and keeping the oil companies under check and for taking on members of own her party for their ethical failures. Like John McCain she builds her career on severe opposition to federal "earmarks" - appropriations to state governments associated with particular state spending projects. However, some controversial issues such as ‘Bridge to nowhere’ and dismissal of a state public safety commissioner continue to resonate in leftist liberal media. History was made in August 2008 when John McCain announced her to be his running mate on the GOP presidential ticket over favorites Tim Pawlenty or Mitt Romney. She becomes the only 2nd woman after Geraldine Ferraro, Walter Mondale's Democratic running mate in 1984 to have ever been on a presidential ticket. Even though she differs on Hillary’s positions on abortion rights, health care and climate change she makes an explicit appeal to her supporters and continues to scythe through Obama’s support among women by acknowledging his reluctance to choose Hillary Clinton as his running mate. Ms. Palin declared to the world that juggling work and family were ‘kind of irrelevant’ in the modern age. Ms. Palin undermines Obama’s doctrine of change with her refreshingly new ideas on reform on a national stage, with her non-Washington background and with her direct experience in dealing with issues of common people.
Her popularity among the orthodox Christian conservative base helps John McCain. She is pro-life, anti-abortion, supporter of gun rights and favors drilling in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). Her conservative credentials are unquestionable owing to the fact that Sarah opted for not having an abortion after learning that the child she was carrying, her youngest, had Down syndrome. Democrats were flabbergasted with her ability to attract ordinary Americans who see her as a threat to Obama since she could be instrumental in removing the perceived elitism and the assumption of McCain being 'out of touch' as claimed by Democrats. All attempts by Democrats to fool voters are futile since Ms. Palin is working-class, has a Wal-Mart-mom appeal and a moving life story. But Left-wing media continues to smear her and her family with attacks focused on her character. As the race assumes the last leg in this month, more acerbic attacks are bound to follow. The vice-presidential debate with Joe Biden defied critics with her star stunned performance. She charmed the world with her folksy and down-to-earth tone. Responding to a question by the moderator on whom to blame for Wall Street crisis, she replied with a folksy tone: "Darn right it was the predator lenders" - they had talked Americans into buying houses they could not afford.
John McCain is definitely an underdog in the given scenario mainly due to Obama campaign’s successful trick of associating him with President Bush who happens to be blamed for every negative swing on Dow Jones! But Ms. Palin has the charisma and appeal to assure voters that McCain-Palin ticket is best in
Well this extensive election coverage gave me a preview of what she is, and I am terribly disappointed by her. She also reminds me of the kinda politicians we have back home like Mayawatis and all who are so good at playing the religion card....here she was trying to woo the conservative base and also the women card, but apparently Clinton women supporters turned out to be smarter than McCain expected....and its the old conservative men who actually voted for her because of her stand on pro-life and gun rights....because in this great country thats what many ppl care about.....also during her stay as Gov she misused her office, as a vice-presidential candidate she misused her powers again by filling her wardrobe worth 150k or more.....during her speeches all she talked about was Obama and dangerously inciting hate crime....
I see that you posted this way too earlier, so I am not sure if you still hold the same opinion about her, but that was my 2 cents.
I do welcome diverse opinion and I made an attempt to read what you were trying to say, but in this case it was just not convincing enough. I do like your style of writing and keep posted.