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Israel at 60

Jerusalem’s downtown Zion Square was inundated with people celebrating and dancing on the night of 14th May, 2008. It is a day on which millions of Jews found a ‘home’. It was the day when the great nation of ISRAEL took birth after Great Britian terminated its mandate over Palestine. It took lot of blood to create this nation. Jews single handedly triumphed in 1948 against the Arab army comprising of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Iraq & Lebanon. Destitute Jews pouring into newly created Israel from North Africa, Europe and other Arab nations were successfully absorbed and integrated into Israel which went on to evolve as an economic and military superpower in Middle-Eastern region. As of this year, democratic and sovereign Israel completes 60 years of independence or existence. Fortitude and perseverance of Israelites to exist and thrive after centuries of virulent animosity and fanaticism from anti-Semitic people astounds me.

The threat to this land proliferates every day with Iran and Syria packaging off explosives, hi-tech weaponry into Palestine territories to unleash cowardly attacks on Israeli land. Israeli captured territories (Gaza, West Bank, Golan Heights, other regions) in subsequent wars continue to draw world wide attention. Gaza was an Egyptian territory for two decades and Jordan was in control of West Bank (Judea) for about the same time length. But these two nations were never pegged down as ‘occupiers’ by the world. Israel took over the lands only after surviving robust Arab machinery dedicated to eliminate them. Israel yielded Sinai Peninsula (Land of Fayrouz) to Egypt in 1977 in exchange for ‘peace’ in spite of large oil reserves located in Sinai region which would have reduced Israel’s foreign dependence on oil needs, well nourished military bases and several cities went to Egypt. Sinai region later on became a major tourist attraction for its immense natural surroundings and rich coral reefs. Israel did not gain anything by ceding Sinai to Egyptians. Egypt continues to place trade restrictions on Israeli companies and Israeli firms are not allowed to submit work tenders in Egyptian cities. Israeli diplomats are rarely allowed to involve in governmental events. Egypt created hurdles for other African nations to establish diplomatic relations with Israel and Egypt media vehemently promotes anti-Jewish sentiment.

Israel withdrew all its soldiers and evacuated Jewish settlers from Gaza few years ago in a historic move in hope of assuaging grief of Palestine conflict. Jews left behind magnificent infrastructure like computerized greenhouse installations worth millions of dollars only to be destroyed later which could have served as a food source and prosperous economy for the region. Well built houses and vintage synagogues were plundered and ransacked. Gaza is more impecunious than it was few years ago with no development at all. Gaza had an opportunity to be on the road to prosperity and growth. Instead, Gazans only focused on digging tunnels into Egypt to smuggle weapons and explosives and to launch Qassam rockets into Israel. Rich Arab nations are not sending medicines, food and essential supplies through these tunnels. Israel is incorrectly held responsible for rueful misery of Gaza. Israel gained nothing but more misery by giving away Gaza.

Israel had also given up the authority of Southern Lebanon in order to soothe relations with Lebanon. South Lebanon is now the hotbed of Iranian-backed Hezbollah militant organization, in return of the gratitude shown by Israel, it reciprocated by increasing attacks in Northern Israel by Katyusha rockets. Hezbollah has provoked major armed conflicts with Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) which led to immense suffering. Hezbollah has only become stronger with financial, logistical and moral support from Syria and Iran.

The security of Israeli population, cities and industrial infrastructure will be jeopardized if Israel commits the folly of withdrawing completely from West Bank. Gaza is surrounded by waters and partially with Israel but West Bank has a land border with Syria and Jordan. Venom filled Syria & Iran whose only motive is to completely wipe off Israel from the world map can mobilize their troops in West Bank and pose a grave danger and leave Israel on tenterhooks. Israel cannot unfetter West Bank’s authority unless the militias operating in the region shun their arms and commit to peace.

Golan Heights continue to be in Israeli possession since 1967. Syrians were never successful in re-capturing this strategically significant region. In the days when Golan region was a Syrian territory, numerous attacks were ceaselessly launched into Israel making life impossible for its citizens. Israel was invaded thrice without success by Syria. Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) crushed all those endeavors. It would be a blunder if Israel traded Golan Heights for ‘peace’ with Syria since the later continues to fund anti-Israel organizations hell-bent on plummeting Israel.

Arab nations never wanted ‘peace’ - they only want ‘Israel’s land’. Anwar El Sadat (Egypt’s former President), Rafik Hariri (former PM of Lebanon) and Abdullah I (former king of Jordan) were gruesomely assassinated. They were punished only because they desired peace with Jews. Israel is a tiny nation (7 million population) surrounded by 22 Arab countries out of which most of them are fixated on destruction of this Jewish state. Israel is not the reason for constant dissension and destruction in Middle-East. There are millions who died in Iran-Iraq war, Gulf war, Sunni-Shia conflicts, civil wars in Islamic African nations, etc. Israel was involved in none of these clashes. Arab populations always had the proclivity to terror and wars – result of their culture and history. Anti-Semitism permeates the Arab Middle East and creates an atmosphere in which Jews are reviled and represented as subhuman. Even if Israel relinquishes all the remaining critical and disputed territories vicious anti-Jew campaigns will not cease. On the contrary, it will only bring bloody warfare and slaughtering of innocents. The ‘cycle of violence’ promoted by implacable anti-Semitic nations can only end if they give up the ambition of obliterating Israel. They should end the constant anti-Jewish preaching to their children and start believing in ‘real peace’. Peace and harmony is plausible if people really desire it.

Israel today stands as a paradigm of courage and compassion mainly deriving its strength from ‘patriotism’ rather than ‘nationalism’. Israel will continue to be an influential force in the modern world and Israel will live and prosper forever.


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